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Immer parat: Marinade einfrieren und Zeit sparen

Always ready: freeze marinade and save time

Immer parat: Marinade einfrieren und Zeit sparen

Always ready: freeze marinade and save time

Introduction: Why freeze marinade?Freezing marinades can be a real time saving. If you like to cook, you know how important it is to always have a good marinade on hand. But fresh marinades have a ...

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Leckere Rezeptidee: Indische Marinade für exotischen Genuss

Delicious recipe idea: Indian marinade for exotic enjoyment

Introduction to the world of Indian marinadesIndian marinades are known for their intense aromas and the diverse spice combinations. They give meat, fish and vegetables a distinctive taste that is ...

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Saftiges Beef Jerky mit hausgemachter BBQ-Marinade

Juicy beef Jery with homemade BBQ Marinade

Introduction: The perfect beef jerky begins with the right marinadeBeef Jery is a popular snack that captivates with its spice and durability. But the secret of one really juicy beef jerkys is in t...

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Vegetarische Alternative: Jackfruit mit aromatischer Marinade

Vegetarian alternative: jackfruit with aromatic marinade

Introduction: Why Jackfruit as a meat replacement?Jackfruit Has been a popular one vegetarian alternative established. This tropical fruit impresses with its meat -like consistency and versatile us...

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Geschmacksexplosion garantiert: Wurstsalat mit leckerer Marinade

Tasting explosion guaranteed: sausage salad with delicious marinade

Introduction: Why sausage salad with marinade is a classicSalvary salad with marinade is a real classic in Swiss cuisine. This dish is not only prepared quickly, but also incredibly versatile. Whet...

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Gewürz vom Essigbaum: Die vielseitige Geschmackswunderwaffe

Spice from the vinegar tree: the versatile flavor wound

Introduction: Discover the spice from the vinegar treeSumach, the GURUZ from the vinegar tree, is a real one Flavor. It gives many dishes a special note. This GURZ is obtained from the red stone fr...

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Chili con Carne Gewürz: Die perfekte Würzmischung für deine Tex-Mex-Küche

Chili con carne Gewürz: The perfect seasoning mix for your Tex-Mex kitchen

Introduction: rediscover the Tex-Mex kitchenThe Tex-Mex kitchen is known for its intensive flavors and diverse ghugers. A classic that should not be missing in any Tex-Mex recipe collection is that...

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Keine Verschwendung: Gewürz aus Spargelschalen

No waste: spice from asparagus shells

Introduction: Sustainability in the kitchenSustainability in the kitchen is an issue that is becoming increasingly important. Many people are looking for paths to reduce waste and use resources mor...

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La Dolce Vita: Mit italienischen Kräutern den Geschmack Italiens erleben

La Dolce Vita: Experience the taste of Italy with Italian herbs

Introduction to the world of Italian herbsItalian herbs are the heart of the Mediterranean cuisine. They give dishes not only an unmistakable taste, but also a special note that is reminiscent of s...

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Yum Yum Gewürz: Die asiatische Vielfalt für Ihre Gerichte

Yum Yum Gewürz: The Asian diversity for your dishes

Introduction to Yum Yum GwerzThe Yum yum gwerz is a real highlight for all of Asian cuisine lovers. This special mix of guigs brings the exotic aromas of Asia directly to their kitchen. With a care...

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