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Ingredients: 400g floury boiling potatoes 1 egg yolk 5EL flour 4EL GRIESS Hench man Schteißhuusfäffer Muscat Wash the potatoes and cook in a pan soft, allow to cool, peel and press through the ...

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Tortellini alla Panna

Tortellini Alla Panna

Ingredients: 500g Tortellini, ready 5DL cream 200g bacon od. Ham, cut Parmesan nutmeg Hench man Schtikhuusfäffer Cook the tortellini in salted water until this al dente are. Briefly sauté the b...

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carrot salad

Ingredients: 1kg Rüebli, ranged 2 El Mayonnaise 1 tbsp 3 tablespoons of herbal 3 tablespoons of olive oil Hench man Schteißhuusfäffer Mix the ingredients well and season with the spices.Now add ...

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Französische Salatsauce

French salad sauce

Ingredients: 2 Tl mustard 4 tablespoons of olive oil 3 tablespoons champagne 2 El Mayonaise Salad Hench man Schteißhuusfäffer Mix all ingredients well and season with the stedy spices.Cooling po...

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Geröstete Kichererbsen

roasted chickpeas

Ingredients: Chickpeas Hench man Salad Meat Pizza / Pastagwürz Schteißhuusfäffer Tomato Raclette / fondness Hench man olive oil Soak the chickpeas overnight in water, then pat dry with a househo...

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Stedy Rezeptbüchlein mit Tipps & Tricks

Stedy recipe book with tips & tricks

Has always been from stedy fine recipe ideas. Mostly colored mixed with further information about Stedy and the idea that is behind Stedy."The Vision of Stedy: We belong to every Chuchichäschtli" b...

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Stedy würzige Geschenkideen & Du wirst zum Tischgespräch

Stedy spicy gift ideas & you will go to the table conversation

If already, then sustainable. We make you the table talk :)

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Stedy Marinaden - Die natürliche pastöse Würze

Stedy marinades - the natural pasty spice

Marinades of Stedy and the fine aroma of pasty and of course mixes.

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Stedy Gewürzmischungen & das Geheimnis des Erfolges

Stedy spice blends & the secret of success

That's why Stedy spice blends have "more power"? This is the recipe behind it.

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Ausgesuchte Spezialitäten von Stedy - alles für die feine Küche

Selected specialties of Stedy - everything for the fine kitchen

Already since the beginning, the assortment is rounded off with various fine specialties. As a supplement to the spice mixtures and marinades and also a fine snack.It counts that it makes sense and...

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